The Symphonic Everyday

This project is a cooperation between Opus Norden, Opus 96 and Filmkreatörerna.

Our concept:
We wish to present advanced symphony music to people who have limited experience of New music in order to increase their understanding of this art.

The music is seven newly composed works corresponding to “one week” written by Opus 96 for Opus Norden’s sinfonietta, (a small version of the symphony orchestra.)

The Film, made by Filmkreatörerna will be seven music videos based on this music.

The presentation of the music-videos is intended to take place in environments where New music usually have few if any listeners such as schools, clubs, companies, rock-festivals and TV and cinema.

The other possibility is to present the music as a concert “live” with Opus Norden sinfonietta. The performance can easily be designed for schools, companies or events.

Opus Norden

Welcome with your application!


Filmkreatörerna is owned and run by the producer Daniella Prah and film director Klara Björk.

The company is located in Trollhättan and has lately produced two novel-films, tre documentaries and co-produced a long film.
Moreover, several commercials, music videos and various information films.

To Filmkreatörernas Homepage

Opus 96

Opus 96 was created in 1996 by Ylva Skog, Ylva Q Arkvik, Catharina Palmér, Victoria Borisova-Ollas, Paulina Sundin and Carin Bartosch. From 1998 is also Catharina Backman a member.

The purpose of Opus 96 is to have regular meetings to exchange ideas, to discuss esthetics and to perform various projects.

In 1998 Opus 96 made an acknowledged concert at Kulturhuset, Stockholm during K 98 (Kulturhuvudstadsåret),with musicians from KammarensembleN.

Opus 96 has been described by professor Eva Öhrström in the Anthology ”Sekelskifte och kön”(red. Anita Göransson) printed by Prisma.

All composers in Opus 96, see above, have been appointed members of FST (Society of Swedish Composers)